Photography Thailand

Krerkburin Kernburi’s SurrealLand! Is A Series Of Extraordinary Photos Of Ordinary Days Of Our Lives

Photographer Krerkburin Kernburi captures human behaviours in the SurrealLand!. The pictures, if viewed seriously, allow us to be critical, possibly revealing issues relevant to our society.

Indonesia London Photography

Looking Into Farid Renais Ghimas’ Poignant Photography Works

LINEAL talks to the emerging image-maker about finding a voice and maintaining balance.

Indonesia Photography

Turning Melancholia Into Portraiture — How ‘Beyond Grief’ Shows A Photographer Wrestling With Loss

Abdul Razzak Jauhar visualises how losing a loved one is experienced beyond the borders of the dead and the living.

Munich Photography Vietnam

“Thirty Days in Vietnam” – Rediscovering A Heritage Through A Visual Diary

In 2020, German photographer Lisa Nguyen booked a flight to her parents’ birth country of Vietnam. With a point-and-shoot film camera in hand, she documented her stay in the bustling city of Ho Chi Minh in a series of images starkly titled “Thirty Days in Vietnam”.

Malaysia Photography Switzerland

Callie Eh Underlines The Meaning Of Happiness Amongst Humanity Through Her Portraits.

The Switzerland-based Malaysian photographer fell in love with the magic of photography as she narrates stories of people she met in her journeys.

Photography Singapore

Where Is Home For The Gurkhas?

Zakaria Zainal documents the role Nepalese soldiers play in Singaporean society. The photographer talks to LINEAL.

Myanmar New York Photography

Drawn Towards The Invisible: The Art Of Htet T San

The New York-based Burmese photographer discusses the inspirations behind her surreal works.

Photography Vietnam

In Dzung Yoko’s Art Book, The Past And Present Co-exist

We take a lens to the photographer’s thoughts to understand how he reconciles the seeming contradictions between tradition and modernity inherent in his images.